Waterloo Region 24/7 Crisis Line: 1-844-437-3247 | Call Us: 519-669-8651 | info@woolwichcounselling.org

Contact Information

Counselling Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Reception hours vary.
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED

Phone: 519-669-8651

Fax: 519-669-0980

Email: info@woolwichcounselling.org

Elmira Address:
65 Memorial Ave, Elmira, ON N3B 2R9

Free parking is available at the centre.

Breslau Address: 
10 Dolman St, Breslau, ON N0B 1M0

Inside Achieve Balance

If you have a concern or would like to send kudos, we would love to hear from you. Send us a message at feedback@woolwichcounselling.org

If you are in crisis, feeling unsafe, or worried you might hurt yourself or others, contact Here 24/7 at 1-844-437-3247 or visit the nearest hospital emergency room. For emergencies, call 911.

Contact Form

We are glad you are reaching out to us and look forward to connecting with you.

Please use the form below to provide the information of the individual to be contacted.

Only submit one copy of this form, even if completing for multiple individuals. Our office staff will then contact you.

Information submitted is kept confidential.

    Please enter your full name.

    Please enter your phone number.


    Please select either 'Yes' or 'No'.

    Please enter your email address.

    I consent.

    SelfCoupleFamilyChild(ren) - Ages 4-12Youth - Ages 12-18Your Client or ReferralBusinesses and Other Organizations – EAPs, Workshops

    Check all that apply.

    Additional Group Programs Information

    Please enter the name of the group.

    Additional Information About Business or Other Organization

    Please enter the name of the organization.

    Additional Workshop Information

    Please enter the name of the workshop.

    Additional Client or Referral Information

    Please enter the name of the referrer.

    Please enter the contact number of the referrer.


    Please select either 'Yes' or 'No'.

    A copy of client consent to be faxed to: 519-669-0980

    How did you hear about us?

    *Required fields.