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ADHD Services

(jump to services for children)

Services for adults:

Adults with Attenton-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), whether or not they have hyperactivity, may find it challenging  to manage their emotions, build and maintain relationships, handle work or school tasks, and keep up with family and home responsibilities. These challenges can lead to feeling down about oneself, job or school setbacks, or relationship issues.

Key aspects of ADHD that contribute to these challenges include difficulties with attention (staying focused on tasks and managing distractions), emotional regulation (dealing with strong feelings that can be overwhelming), and executive function (planning, problem-solving, and staying organized).

However, with support and strategies, many people find ways to navigate these challenges successfully.

Occupational Therapy for ADHD: Making the Everyday Possible

Occupational Therapists (OTs) possess the skills to carefully assess and empower individuals with ADHD.

Kate Suffling, our OT at Woolwich Counselling Centre, can provide you with an individualized assessment and support you with:

  • Building executive function skills like time management, planning, prioritizing, and organization
  • Learning how to get things done, maintain motivation, and reduce procrastination
  • Gaining important memory tools
  • Learning strategies for managing emotion
  • Increasing skills for maintaining daily routines, like sleep, nutrition/meal planning, and exercise
  • Learning financial management strategies
  • Gaining coping tools for sensory issues (like feeling overwhelmed by sounds or textures)
  • Managing the workplace

If you’re living with ADHD or experiencing symptoms and finding it tough to manage the roles, relationships, and tasks in your life, why not reach out for some help? Connecting with us today is a great step towards finding the support and strategies you need to thrive.

Kate Suffling

Kate Suffling

(she/her), M.Ed Counselling, OT Reg. (Ont.)


Kate Suffling is a registered occupational therapist with over 20 years of experience in the mental health sector. Her approach is client-centred, warm, and empowering. Kate embraces the unique strengths and experiences of neurodiverse individuals, and recognizes that unsupportive environments are a significant barrier to them thriving. As an OT Kate understands the importance of being able to fully participate in the activities that are important to clients, whether managing a household, self-care, relationships, school, or work. Kate has specific training in neurodiversity-affirming OT for individuals with ADHD and also draws from various therapeutic modalities, including extensive training in trauma.

Understanding ADHD in Adults
How to do ADHD well

Services for children:

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects how a child thinks, behaves, and interacts with others. ADHD can influence various aspects of a child’s life, including behavior, learning abilities, and social relationships. Every child experiences ADHD differently, making it crucial for parents and caregivers to understand the diverse ways it can manifest.

Children with ADHD may face unique challenges in different areas of their lives:

  • Behavior: ADHD can lead to difficulties with impulse control, leading to disruptive or unpredictable behavior. Children might struggle with following rules or staying on task, impacting their interactions with peers and authority figures.
  • Learning: ADHD often affects a child’s ability to concentrate, leading to challenges in academic settings. These difficulties might include problems with organizing tasks, following instructions, and completing assignments.
  • Social Interactions: Children with ADHD may experience trouble in social settings, such as difficulties in reading social cues, maintaining friendships, or managing emotional responses. These challenges can impact their overall social development.

Understanding your child’s unique experience with ADHD involves recognizing both their strengths and challenges. We will guide you in assessing these aspects effectively. We provide practical strategies to observe and understand your child’s abilities and areas where they may need additional support.

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you might be unsure about the next steps in accessing appropriate support. We can help you:

  • Communicate Your Needs: Learn how to articulate your child’s needs and your family’s priorities clearly and effectively to service providers.
  • Find the Right Services: Gain insights into various support services and understand which ones align with your family’s values and needs.

We will empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate effectively for your child and ensure they receive the support they deserve. Contact us to explore how you can make informed decisions and access resources that will help your child thrive.

Jessie Quinn

Jessie Quinn

(she/her), CDA, MSW, RSW


Jessie Quinn is a Registered Social Worker (RSW), who has worked for over 20 years in the areas of autism, disability and mental health within various developmental service and children’s mental health agencies. Jessie is a neurodiverse affirming therapist. Jessie recognizes that neurodivergence itself is NOT a flaw or disability to be “fixed” and that many of the challenges that neurodivergent individuals and their families face come from trying to fit into a world that wasn’t built for them. Jessie uses her extensive clinical training in neurodivergence and mental health to support families to identify the services and supports that align with their needs and goals. With so many different types of services and approaches available, Jessie aims to empower families and individuals to feel confident that the services they are receiving are addressing their needs and priorities

ADHD Services Flyer
Understanding Neurodivergent Pathways to Support Individual Needs