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Mental Health Move-A-Thon: Supporting Woolwich Counselling Centre

What is our Mental Health Move-A-Thon?

May 1-7, 2023 is Mental Health Week, according to the Canadian Mental Health Association.

This Move-A-Thon is a community-wide fundraising and awareness campaign in support of mental health in our local Woolwich and Wellesley Township communities. During this week, Move-A-Thon Movers will walk, wheel, jog, or run one kilometre for each donation made to Woolwich Counselling Centre. We are very grateful for their support!

A big thank you also to local businesses and community organizations that have supported the Move-A-Thon. 

What is the Woolwich Counselling Centre?

We are a nonprofit counselling agency facilitating emotional and mental wellness primarily in Woolwich and Wellesley Townships.

From our humble beginnings over 45 years ago, initially providing evening public lectures on mental health, we now serve more than 1,000 adults, youth, and children annually.

More people than ever before are turning to us for help with their mental health, particularly children, youth, and seniors. We aim to support our community by bringing new and additional programming and services close to your home.

We would not be the organization we are today without the support of concerned and active residents and business owners like you. Now more than ever, we need your support for tomorrow to ensure the mental well-being of everyone in our Woolwich and Wellesley communities.

What will my donation support?

Needs in mental health are significantly increasing — children, youth, adults, and seniors have all been impacted.

Your donation to Woolwich Counselling Centre directly supports our local community:

  • Everyone should have equal access to quality professional counselling and therapy, including those without means to pay. We make counselling affordable and accessible to local residents with fees that are calculated on a sliding scale according to family income.
  • We bring a range of mental health wellness programs to schools, local businesses, and community partners.
  • For the 2022-2023 program year, we have offered 37 no cost workshops and 190 small group therapy sessions to the public.
  • Thank you to our compassionate and generous donors.

How can I donate?

View profiles of our Move-A-Thon Movers. Choose the person or business you’d like to pledge your donation towards — they will complete one kilometre of physical activity for every donation received.

Please use the form on the right to donate or visit our general donation page. Thank you for your support!

I am interested in signing up as a Move-A-Thon Mover:

Thank you for your interest! Individuals or teams are welcome to participate. Please send us an email at info@woolwichcounselling.org and we will get in touch.