What should I expect, when I come in for counselling?
Sometimes, people find coming in and completing an intake with a counselor easy. Other times, people are nervous. Nerves before an intake are understandable. They are also normal (I think most people get a bit nervous, when they meet someone new). Sometimes, having a...Let’s talk self care!
Self care has become a pretty trendy term. But what does it mean? I ask my clients this all the time- what does self care mean to you? I have learned that there seems to be a misconception, that self care is a one time thing. Like a weekly ritual. Another thing to...Coping with Holiday stress
Let’s face it, the Holiday’s can be stressful! Between finding those perfect gifts, managing your budget, entertaining family, cooking, baking, and putting up the tree, there can be little time to relax. So, how do we manage? What can we do, to help make...
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